Tuesday 10.22.2024
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  judy's kitchen
mp3 playlist
art studio

sue's thoughts...
phoebe's xanga site
my friendster

  april 2006
march 2006


Site Created By:


Posted on May 22 2006   |  

Here's a suggestion. Trump National Golf Course is offering regular rates on Memorial Day, Monday. My contact there explained that reservations are being accepted at the regular rate because at this point, her manager had not mentioned anything about assessing holiday rates ($295). Monday green fees including cart- $195. Twilight- $145. Tee times are open! How can you miss out on such a deal?????


Mrs. Jennifer Phoebe Kang-Moon, PhD, MA, BA, GNO Queen, ENGZR BNNY

Posted on May 18 2006   |  

She DID IT! My best friend, Jen, completed her PhD program in Education last week. Congratulations on your hard work and dedication! I don't know how she does it - juggling studies, teaching, taking care of her husband and TuTu...and she still makes time to shop and partay with her friends.

And doesn't she look SO CUTE in red? CHECK OUT HER SHOES!!! but i still think her best accessory is moonski ^ ^


XSPF "Spiff" MP3 Player

Posted on May 17 2006   |  

I added a new feature to the website...a streaming MP3 player (slim playbar to the left) which utilizes XSPF specifications. It's pretty cool stuff since it utilizes an open XML format that's easy to maintain and share. You can just email your playlist to a friend and they can play it on their website or blog. For specifications on XSPF schema, you can visit the xspf.org website. Stay tuned for more favorite tunes cycling through my Spiff mp3 player.


Triple Bday Pics

Posted on May 15 2006   |  

Thanks to my lovely friends for celebrating Susie, and Saera and my birthday with us!



Posted on May 8 2006   |  

This one is so special to me, Sue and Ben's child. Congratulations to you both! Doesn't he look just like Sue? Sue thinks he looks like Mr. Furly!

I'll be spending my first official day of my vacation with them and I'm hoping to be as much help to her as possible. I can't only imagine how tough these first weeks will be for Sue, but I'm sure this kind of bonding will be most rewarding experience for her.
