Tuesday 10.22.2024
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Posted on February 28 2007   |  

I shared a basic bean sprout soup recipe with Susan the other day. And today she called me to find out what she could do with some leftover clams in her refrigerator. So I suggested duen-jahng jji gae.

Susan said it was snowing heavily today, but being the good wife she is, she traveled 7 blocks to the nearest grocery store ON FOOT and carried back home 5 heavy grocery bags in order to cook a nice meal for her new hubby. What a lucky man Chong is.

So here's what I shared with Susan: recipe here.



Posted on February 21 2007   |  

I received my shower invitation in the mail today. It's just *darling* Don't you think so? Thank you Jen, Sue, Susan, Lucy and Janet! It reads "in honor of Judy Kim." hehe. in "MY" honor. Gosh i feel like royalty. kekekek. I can't wait!

Receiving my own shower invitation was just another reminder that the wedding day is quickly approaching. I never thought i would be so consumed with the idea of looking totally fit on my wedding day...but c'mon, it's my wedding day! I will never be photographed as much as I will be on my wedding day. I've been battling myself to get to the gym more often to tone up, but it's hard...partially cuz of my bad back, but primarily cuz I'm lazy :P. So I've been trying to just be more active - get up earlier and keep myself busy (even on weekends), walk rather than drive to nearby places like the grocery store, mall, restaurants, etc, and walk on the golf course. I also thought it would be a great idea to walk up and down the 28 flights of stairs at work but just found out this morning that the building will not permit it. Stairs can only be used in the event of an emergency for evacuation purposes. Other than that, they must remain closed. So anyway, I only have 9 flights of stairs to climb in the parking structure at work as an added workout. Hopefully that and hitting the gym will get me in shape and my arms looking more like Susan's :).

I also received my first gift from my registry today- actually i didn't get the package yet but I know it's coming!!!! Eugene's mom is sending me a shower gift- Vera Wang salad bowl and servers for formal dining. thank you Mom...I'll be sure to feed Gene lots of greens. I can't wait to throw a big party for all my friends.



Posted on February 6 2007   |  

Jimmy and Lucy traveled from the bay area to Los Angeles to take Josephine to a studio photographer (and of course, to attend Susan's wedding).

I couldn't initially understand why they didn't use a photographer near their house...but after seeing these pictures, I can understand why.

     Image 1
     Image 2
     Image 3
     Image 4

Josephine is sooooo cute!



Posted on January 24 2007   |  

So it's time for Eugene and i to take the next step in our relationship- raise a puppy :) awhhhh. I've been searching for photos of cute puppies online for weeks and saw this picture of a Daschund which i wanted to share. funny


Some of you may know, I've had a puppy before, "Kobe" about 8 years ago. It wasn't a pleasant experience for either of us. I was at work all day and unable to spend time with him to train him and show affection to him, which probably caused him to retaliate by peeping and pooing everywhere, tearing off all of my (and Sue's) Charles David shoes, and barking all day.

Eugene and I want to commit to training a puppy properly and spending as much time with it as possible, but that will be a challenge since we both work. We're looking for a breed which is not very emotional and is not a "high-maintenace" breed, and which will be ideal for indoor living since we probably will not have a huge yard in our next home. When we do have a big yard, we will definitely get a Lab, but until then, we need an indoor pet. Any suggestions? Do you know of an adorable puppy who is up for sale? We did consider this Beagle a few weeks ago, but found out that Beagles don't look too great when they get older. Sorry Beagle.


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